Wednesday, November 4, 2015


I wish I could say that I don't care about how many views I get each day on my blog. Unfortunately for me, facebook is my only means of sharing to a mass audience and facebook makes sure that view counts matter. Unless you follow my posts specifically, facebook will not post my shares to the top of newsfeeds unless I get a consistent number of likes and shares for each post. This has put me in a bind of sorts and I'm beginning to have to sort out my priorities. I love posting to the blog and I don't plan on stopping, but I think I'm going to have to rework how much time I put into it. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to start posting every other day instead of every day. I'll still post stories, but I'll also try to focus more on the regular blog posts. If you like what I write, please, leave a comment or a like and share it with a friend. It's the only way I'll be able to keep this up.

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