Monday, November 2, 2015

Writing a Novel

It's that time of year again... no not turkey day time... the month thousands of people across the US decide to do the impossible. Write a novel in a month. November first marks the start of National Write a Novel in a Month Month or National Novel Writing Month, whichever you happen to prefer. The goal is fifty thousand written words within the 30 days of November. I've tried this before, usually only to fail miserably as work and home take up the time that I should be, supposedly, writing.  Add on to this that I've written two complete novels and several unfinished novels and I finished none of these projects in any length of time that even resembled a month. Or even a year for that matter. Well, the second one was close to a year... sort of. Melody and Barnabus might come closer to making it, discounting the small hiatus to give you a short story dealing with Melody's back ground. Who knows, maybe I'll have fifty thousand words of their story written by the end of the month. Unfortunately, blogging doesn't add to my official word count, so I had better get back to work.

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