Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Sometimes I think I'm lucky to be a writer. I'm an artist, like any painter, illustrator, or musician, but I have more leeway when it comes to making a mistake. For someone who uses a brush and a canvass a mistake very well make the painting authentic, though it may also force the artist to scrap the work entirely and start anew. With as many hours as a painter can put into any particular piece, that can be incredibly discouraging I'm sure. Writers are lucky, we can just go back and change what we wrote.

That being said, most of what I post here will be unedited. While I ask for and appreciate any thing you might notice needs to be changed, I also hope that mistakes won't take away from the experience too much. Honestly I simply don't have time to go back and spend hours editing what I write. I wish I did have time, but my life beyond this keyboard requires me to put something to the side, at least temporarily. Thanks for reading and for your support, and I hope errors don't put you off too much. Oh, and the next piece of Through the Bridge of Worlds will be up in a few minutes. An early day today to be sure!

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