Thursday, October 15, 2015

Through the Bridge of Worlds: Part 7

Finally, the next part. It's hard to remember a blog when you're writing a novel, sorry.

“The Dreaming must be literal,” the old man said. “There are some people who believe that when you dream, your mind actually travels away from this plane of existence to other places, other possibilities.” He shook his head and laughed. “I always thought that the Dreaming was just a name the old elves used for magic, but what if it literally meant the dreams we have while we sleep?”
“That must by why I dreamed about you right before you appeared,” Baird said. He hesitated. “You must have latched on to me somehow… followed me through the veil to this world.”

“And when I passed out, the reavers latched on to my dreams,” she finished. A yawn forced its way between her lips and she swore. “If I fall asleep again they will come back. But how do I get home?”

The writer’s face brightened and he began to drum his fingers on the table. “If we can capture one of them, we can force it to tell you how to travel through the dream! We just need to let them through and incapacitate one of them.”

“They’ve destroyed entire cities by themselves,” Blink said. “Their magic is too strong, and I don’t know how to use all of it yet. If the Golden Knights can’t stop them, how are your Knight Wardens supposed to do it?”

“We can’t rely on the city guard,” the professor said quickly. “I have no doubt that they could find a way to stop your reapers, but they would not take kindly to use leading them to the city. They would attack us as well, like as not.” He stood and ducked through the the door into the workshop. “I’ve helped the Knight Wardens develop some of their weapons and gear. Come on, I think I have an idea.”

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