Saturday, September 19, 2015

Coffee and Books

As much as I like the quiet and solitude of the woods or my writing desk, I love sitting in the coffee shop at the local bookstore. Even if I'm not working on anything in particular, I like sitting in the corner and watching the people wandering through the stacks and tables. One of my favorite pass times, when I go out at least, is to read or write, observing the wanderings of my fellow patrons as I sip my favorite strawberry cream frappe. My only problem is leaving the bookstore without a new book.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering ,as I walked the trails, what it was like to be an apple as it plunked to the ground. Then how it was different for the leaf that floated silently to the bed of leaves below. I actually thought of you Dwight and what you would think of such an observation. Gram
