Monday, September 21, 2015

In the War of Light and Shadow: Part 3

This one is a short one, but it was the best place to stop. Tomorrow's excerpt will be quite a bit longer. The regular blog is going to be up in a couple of hours.

The knight swallowed and followed the elf into the fray, bulling through the clusters of undead. Two of the ghosts turned, wailing eerily as they drifted in to attack. Aravos’ burning blade blasted the first into icy particles and the second screamed in pain and rage as the knight’s holy sword pierced its side. The lich turned away from the faltering paladin and raised a fearsome claw, blasting the walltop with a sheen of ice. The knight yelped as the terrible cold bit at his skin through the thick armor. He snarled and raised his sword defiantly as the remaining ghosts closed in around him. Aravos swatted aside a moaning zombie and stopped, leveling his makeshift runeblade at the lich.

The mighty spirit peered at the Deathknight, swatting the paladin to the ground with a telekinetic blow.

“Deathknight,” it rattled, its voice sounding like wind soughing through old bones. “Why are you here?”

Aravos bared his teeth and attacked, driving the lich back past the unconscious paladin. The spirit wailed, pelting the Deathknight with icy magic as it backed away. The elf weathered the storm as well as he could, fighting to put the ghostly fire lining his sword into the lich’s center.

“I know you…” hissed the monster, its red eye lights shining with anger. “You were lost!”

“No!” snarled Aravos, his strength building with his fury. “I was rescued!” His blade caught the lich on the arm and passed through with a flash, reaching the spirit’s chest. The creature shrieked and vanished with a clap of thunder and magic that shook the earth and raised dust from the seams of the rock. The undead masses shivered and began to break, lost without the influence of their leader, their champion.

“We won,” whispered the knight, clutching his chilled arm. “We won! They’re retreating!”

“For now…” Aravos muttered, watching the horde scuttle away. “They won’t be gone for long.”

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