Monday, September 21, 2015

Summer's End

Summer is finally over. The heat is fading and the leaves are beginning to burn with the colors of autumn. As much as I like the green and warmth of summer, the growing heat becomes a little to much for me after a while and I begin to look forward to fall. It is one of my favorite seasons, filled with festivals and beauty and the promise pumpkins and turkeys. The cold of late autumn and winter is unwelcome to many but I enjoy the crisp chill and the chance to warm my belly with my favorite hot chocolate and coffee. Honestly, I'm not a big fan of pumpkin spice, or even pumpkin pie for that matter, but I do like carving them and apple cider is one of the biggest things I look forward to as the apple trees begin bear their fruit. Sometime this fall, I intend to travel up through New Hampshire, across the White Mountains as I experience the tastes and colors of this wonderful time of year. If I get lucky, my wife and I will have some time to visit some of the season's festivals and fairs.

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