Thursday, September 10, 2015

I'm a blogger too! I swear!

Why is it so hard to write a blog? I'm a writer after all, so it should be easy. Right? I've written three books, which may or may not ever see print, and perhaps a dozen short stories, some of which sit neglected on previous incarnations of this very blog. So why is it so hard to write a simple blog post, a few paragraphs of my daily musings?

Is it because they are real? Reality is much more disturbing to me than fantasy and the stories I write allow me to escape the agony of a world in chaos. They bring me, and, I hope, any readers that I might garnish, a sense that things are not quite as hopeless as they appear. But a blog? A blog post doesn't offer a respite from realities many cares, it records them, puts them down on a page for eternity.

When I read the blogs of others though, I sometimes feel that I'm too quick to judge. They share the thoughts and musings and memories that I fear to divulge. A few even openly accept and admit my deepest anxieties, writer's block and perfectionism topping the list. I am after all a writer, something that I would willingly call a major part of my core identity. I obviously shouldn't be struggling with such things....

Maybe that is the essence of a blog after all, openly sharing fears and dreams with a world that feels the same anxieties and shares the same hopes and aspirations. Simple words from simple folk reaching out to a world in need, with the simple purpose of telling them that maybe they aren't alone after all. Could a few short lines hurriedly typed, be as trans-formative as a dusty tome with a hundred thousand words? I guess there's only one way to find out.

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