Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Veil between Worlds.

I'm working on a new story. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it, but once it's done I'll probably be posting it up here. With any luck I'll be able to submit it somewhere someday.

The idea is actually an old one. Where do our minds go when we dream? Lovecraft wrote several stories about the subject, when the dreaming mind travels from our world to another. A few even go so far as to say that daydreaming has the same effect. In the case of writers, this means that every story ever written has actually happened, that the author's daydreaming mind has traveled through dimensions to catch a glimpse of another world. Now, I'm not planning to take it that far in my story, but the basic premise intrigues me. What if our dreams were a passage to other worlds? What if, when we sleep, we leave our bodies behind and unknowingly wander the highways and byways of another universe? What would happen if you slipped through the cracks so to speak and woke up in a world like your own, but changed? How would you react?

Hopefully sometime in the next few days, I can start exploring these possibilities with you.

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