Monday, September 28, 2015

How to Write a Short Story

Ah ha! I bet you thought that this post was actually going to be instructional didn't you? Well, it probably isn't. When people find out that I'm a writer they usually ask one of two questions. The first is, "Have you ever published anything?" The second is usually, "How do you get your ideas?"

Honestly, I'm not always sure where an idea comes from. Most of the time they start small, a picture in my head that grows into a character or a place. The character or place grows into the seed of world, with the beginnings of a theme and sometimes even an ending. The details fill in as I write, almost like the story is growing all on its own. New characters and plot twists sometimes appear all by themselves, resulting in a story that is far beyond what I initially intended. Aravos, the central character of my recent short story, In the War of Light and Shadow, came from an idea I first encountered in the game Warcraft 3, a real time strategy game that preceded the popular online game, World of Warcraft. Deathknights were once champions, heroes. In the game, these heroes fell from grace in one fashion or another and later, as their lore was expanded in World of Warcraft, some of these fallen champions sought out redemption. Aravos become one of these disgraced heroes, willing to do anything that he could to gain the forgiveness of those he once served. A simple beginning.

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